Harmonizing culture[s]    Promoting Talents

              .Pacifying our world.

Evil and suffering may only appear to dominate if talented  men and women like you I decide to ignore or misuse our talents. "As the Globe spins,there is a point in time and place in which only your unique talent is the solution or answer". 

***How about impacting a life with today your talent?***



 Thanks for coming by- we are always happy to get a visit from long-time fans and new friends. Check out our  Resources, Television, Radio, News, Magazine, Markets, Music, Movie/Comedy, Modeling/Fashion, and Blog  to get the scope.

CULTURES; People, Places, Arts and Crafts


SAWA- Africana is henceforth born to be the premier dream education and entertainment marketing enterprise of all times. We have come  to take the lead in innovation.          

 Our mission, is to achieve the SAWA- Africana ideals; which we call the SAWA-Africana dream, urging all to join us in the development process of this giant infant, and become our dream team members by utilising and creating products which are of the SAWA Africana style and brand.

        We offer the best opportunity to our team of top talented entertainers world wide, and to our beloved audience who are in the quest for the SAWA Africana Dream. We believe creativity is all about originality.       Our dream team members, proudly original, incessantly innovative. 


Click HERE for information to advertise with us. 


 Coming soon....




"A  New Era to our story telling culture; sharing great moral lessons that create new minds in new spirits; making our global communities home for everyone."

"The shortest route to capture the impossible is to think it possible.This is exactly what I learn from SAWA-AFRICANA". 

         Toto sings...''It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you, there is nothing a hundred men or more could ever do,

 I bless the rains down in AFRICA''   

                   A new generation. A new people. Higher ideas
Higher civilization, higher culture & complete refinement


We have been working hard on our latest performances, and invite you to join us in this journey.Be sure not to miss our live caravan shows, galas(soiree speciales) now touring the best resort sites of your city, threatening to hit Orlando, L.A and New York cities' Broadways.  Come and be entertained, come for a variety of magnificent exhibition of world cultures.Guess what color, what ecstasy, what degree of immersion and sweet enjoy that sparks from the harmonized display of the African cultural dances vis a vis Latin American meringue,char-cha and Salsa. Be ready to get tickets and team sponsorship for the upcoming SAWA-Africana  Soccer championship.  We love to meet our audience, so contact us and be sure to introduce yourselves afterward!


 Call to duty

"In this realm people are sleepy, dreamy, torpid, lethargic, and therefore indignant-totally penniless, needy, destitute, poverty stricken, disfavored, and impoverished. In this demesne, as they call it, there are hardly any discoveries, inventions and innovations. The trailblazer..And because countless keep waiting in the way of the train, millions die and many more remain decapitated by the day."It's such a time we begin taking the bull by the horns. A time that calls for people who value their wits and rely on their
hard work to chart their destinies.
We have to wake up and think as creators, can't blame anyone anymore. It is us...Coming together is the beginning, working together is progress. Staying together for a specific fruitful purpose is success."Wake up!
 "You should be busy lifting ideas, formulas, recipes, and diagrams from the best manufacturing factories and sending them to your own factories. All those research findings and dissertation papers you compile should be your country's treasure. Why do you think Asians are a force to reckon with? Look at Japan, China, India, just look at them." Like today's great nations and entrepreneurs do, every emerging nation ought to live a live guided by these three fundamental principles: Higher civilization, culture and refinement".

                                                      PICTURE DISCOURSE


A new era to our story telling culture; sharing our great moral lessons, creating new minds in new spirits and inspiring upright bodies; rendering our global Communities and persons more accommodating and creating more hospitable habitat for mankind and nature.  

   SOURCING STORIES                                              

We soar across water bodies to get and bring to you our stories. We approach them, compile them, nourish them, style them in Flavor and serve them to you in mouth watering  savor. 


When someone  live in the riches of love and harmony, the security and welfare of her neighbors is imperative.    


      AS NOBLE PEOPLE, WE ALSO UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM IN DANCE !!                       A Wise King is one who has a mastery of sounds and rhythms. Like a skilled dancer his steps are well calculated and always call for celebration. His footprints, an incessant stream of heartbreaking music. The sawa-africana world, the skilled world, the world of skilled dancers. 


when someone is deeply bubbled and is driven to get what he wants, even his weakest member's ability becomes impeccable, each of them in one putting the world in ecstasy; with every  giant wall cracking down, obliterating every barrier, and rendering every resistance or stumbling block into a spring board.We are Sawa-Africana, we're the melting pot of cultures; boiling pot of talents, we're bubbling, we got it all, the beauty, the charm,  the skill, the talent...everything---We got the power and we're the force to cross over and get it done.That's why we're all ultimate and simply the best specie of entertainers to exist.              

                                     Enthusiasm, Charm, Beauty and professionalism is our Business.

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